plant kingdom


Plantae : characterstics

  • Eukaryotes :-specific membrane bound cell organelle & distinct nucleus 
  • Multicellular :- they are  made up of multiple cells 
  • Autotrophic :- prepare their own food 
  • Immobile 
  • They can be aquatic or land plants 
  • Their cell walls are present

Classification system 

  • Artificial
  • Natural
  • Phylogenetic

Artificial classification system  

  • External morphological characters 
  • Advantages :-closely related species could be classified 
  • Limitations :- Equal weightage to vegetative and sexual characterstics

Natural classification system 

  • External as well as internal characters are the basis of classification
  • Advantages :-overshadows limitations of artificial system
                           Establishes relationship between organism 
  • Limitations :-closely related organism can differ in important properties 

Phylogenetic classification system 

  • Evolutionary relationships between organisms are the basis of classification system
  • Similar and dissimilar features of organisms
  • Depends on information  from cytotaxonomy, chemotaxonomy & numerical taxonomy 
  • Advantages :-Tells about evolutionary history of organisms
  • Limitations :-Closely related organisms can differ in important properties 

Numerical taxonomy 

  • Mathematical method of classification based  on  observable  characteristics 
  • Number are assigned to each character 


Classification using comparative studies of chromosomes 


Classification based on chemical composition of plants 

Basis of sub-classification of plant kingdom
  • Differentiation of plant body into tissues 
  • Ability to bear seeds 
  • Types of seeds ( Naked/ Covered )

Plantae :classfication

Here in the above picture entire  flow of classification of plant kingdom.  So, here firstly plants  are divided into two types based on the body differentiation 1.  Thallophytes : plant body not differentiated that means there are no distinct roots, stem and leaves. and  2. The other category was those plants whose plant body was  well differentiated.
         Now, they are again divided into two parts whether they have vascular tissue or they do not have vascular tissue  ( vascular tissue :- Tissues present in plants which help in conduction of water and minerals ). Those plants without vascular tissue are known as Brayophytes .

       Again plants with vascular tissue are  divided into two parts :-
  1.   Pteridophytes :-Seed are not produced in them 
  2.   Phanerogams :-Seed are produced in them 
Phanerograms are divided into two parts on the basis of whether the seeds were covered or not  covered ; 
  1. Gymnosperms :-They have naked seeds
  2. Angiosperms :-They have covered sees
Angiosperms are again divided into two parts 
  1. Dicots 
  2. Monocots   


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