Kingdom fungi


  • They are eukaryotes having specific membrane bound cell organelles and distinct nucleus
  • They are multicellular made up of multiple cells
  • Exception :-yeast 
  • They are heterotrophic in nature i,e they depend on others
  • They prefer warm & moist places to grow. 
  • They are found in air, water, soil, on animal & plant
  • They are immobile
  • Cells walls are present

Structure of fungi

Most fungi grow as Hyphae  

Hyphae ;-They are long slender, thread like structures.

Interconnected network of hyphae forms Mycelium.

Cell wall is made up of chitin & polysaccharides.

Nutrition :-

  • Heterotrophic
  • Saprophytes - Feed on dead & decomposed matters
  • Some can be parasitic - depending on living plants/ animals
Some exist in  symbiotic relationship with  other organism.

Fungi: symbiosis 

An association between two or more species where one/ both are mutually benefited 
Various  symbiotic relationship are :-
  1. Obligate relationship - organisms which completely depend on each others for survival 
  2. Facultative relationship - organisms are  not dependent on each other for survival 
  3. Ectosymbiosis - one organism lives on the other 
  4. Endosymbiosis - one organisms lives inside the other
  1. Buffaloes & crow (facultative )
  2. Flowering plants & honeybee (obligate )
  3. Human beings & their pets (facultative ) 
  4. Lice & hair (ectosymbiosis )
  5. Lichen - Algae & fungi (obligate )


Symbiotic relationship between fungi & blue green algae. 
Algae performs photosynthesis, provides nutrients to fungi.
Fungi  protects algae

Reprodution in fungi

They reproduce by spores 
  • Small particles ejected from reproductive organs which  are capable of  giving rise to a new organism.
  • Reproduction by mycelial fragmentation - Mycelium separates in to pieces which in turn forms a new one.
  • Budding -New organism develops & remains attached to parent organism, once completely grown it gets detached.
Sexual reproduction :-It often occurs in response to adverse environmental conditions . 
There  are generally two mating types :- +, -
  • Homothallic - when two mating types are present on the same mycelium 
  • Heterothallic- when two mating types are present on different mycelium
  • Haploid - cell with a single complete set of chromosome 
  • ption
  • Diploid - two sets of chromosome 
Fungi : sexual cycle 
  1. Plasmogamy -we can simply understand it by cytoplasm marriage . In this cytoplasm of two haploid cells fuse and makes a dikaryon ( which is 2 haploid nuclei in 1 cell )
  2. Karyogamy- In this 2 haploid nuclei fuse and makes 1 diploid zygote through fertilisation
  3. Meiosis - It is repeated cell division occurs in haploid spores 

Fungi reproduction

Based on the reproductive structures & mode of spore formation fungi are classified into 4 types :-

  1. Phycomycetes
  2. Ascomycetes
  3. Basidiomycetes
  4. Deuteromycetes
Structure :- Mycelium is aseptate , mycelium is coenocytic 
Reproduction (asexual mode ):-they reproduce through asexual mode of reproduction  
  1. Motile zoospores
  2. Non-motile zoospores
  3. Produced endogenously in sporangium 
Sexual mode :- they also reproduce through  sexual mode of  reproduction
  1. Fusion of similar gametes   (isogamous )
  2. Fusion of dissimilar gametes (anisogamous )
  3. Fusion produces zygospores 
  4. ex- Rhizopus  ( bread mould ), Albugo (mustard fungi )
They are sac fungi 
Structure :-Mycelium is septate , mycelium is branched
Reproduction (asexual mode ) :- conidia (asexual spores ), Conidia are produced exogenously by conidiophores
sexual mode :- (ascospores ) Sexual spores , ascospores are produced endogenously in asci  present in fruiting bodies , ascocarps 
Ex;-Yeast , aspergillus , penicillium , neurospora 


They inhabit soil, tree & plants 

Structure :-Mycelium is septate , mycelium is branched 

Reproduction (asexual mode ) :- No asexual spores formed, fragmentation is common

                          (sexual mode ):-Sexual spores :- basidiospores ,Basidiospores are produced exogenously on basidium in fruiting bodies, Basidiocarps

Ex- agaricus, Puccinia, bracket fungi

 Mostly decomposers, some are parasites
Structure :-branched & septate mycelium 

Reproduction (asexual spores ) :- conidia 
  No sexual mode of reproduction 

Ex- Trichoderma, alternaria 



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